Innovative plant for energy saving using RO method
This plant removes salt from seawater to obtain potable water and domestic water, is designed based on energy-saving reverse osmosis methode, which is differenciated from the traditional RO system which requires a lot of power and maintenance cost.
High concentrated water from reverse osmosis process is connected with energy recovery device for saving amount of power consumption.
Consecutive MF and External UF system are applied to system as a pre-treatment so that life-time of RO membrane is doubled. Also, maintenance cost is decreased through consecutive treatment without consumables.
Fresh treated water that electrolyte ions are removed is obtained through inflow seawater to reverse osmosis membrane using high pressure more than osmotic pressure. At that time, generated high pressurized concentrated water is connected with energy recover device and recycled. During this process, electric power of seawater high pressure pump is decreased. Finally, amount of consumed electri power is about 40~50%.